Kiev, August 11, 2010

The Mormons have recently built a temple in Kiev, and through advertisements in the metro, they have invited citizens of Kiev to their open house day. The first to respond were Orthodox activists, reports “Православіє в Україні.”
Upon arrival at the appointed time to meet with the Mormons, the young people passed out flyers exposing the beliefs of the Mormon sect to all who were interested in the neighborhood. They disputed with the Mormons, and invited them to dispute at the Orthodox Club. An Orthodox expert from Germany participated in the campaign along with the young people, helping them compose the text of the leaflets, while members of the Orthodox English Club helped them dispute with English speaking Mormons.
As one of the organizers of the campaign, Vadim Dymov, reports, the Mormons were not prepared for such a scenario; they were surprised, and did not know what to do—this was apparent from their disturbed behavior.
The Orthodox missionary society, “Apostle Paul Mission,” composed mainly of young fellows of fervent faith, have been conducting for eight months, with the blessing of Archpriest Andrei Tkachev, missionary campaigns with the intention of fighting sectarianism.
Anyone wishing to join them can write to