20.10.2010 ·

Taking part in the Forum are Christians, Muslims, and Jews from different countries of the world.
Local Orthodox Churches are represented at the Conference by archimandrite Macarius, patriarchal representative in Qatar (Patriarchate of Jerusalem); hegumen Philipp (Ryabykh), DECR deputy chairman (Moscow Patriarchate); Metropolitans Nikiphoros and Isaiah (Orthodox Church of Cyprus); and the Revd. Saurin Celaru, representative of the Romanian Patriarchate at the European Union.
The Conference was opened by the Minister of Justice of Qatar, Hassan Bin Abdulla Al-Ghanim. He underscored its importance for peaceful relations among nations.
The Forum will continue its work till October 21 and discuss such themes as family as basis for future generations, family values, role and responsibility of the educational institutions in passing traditional values to the new generations, religious values in school curriculum, influence of the mass media and new technologies on the youth, and many others.