In the Kingdom of God, all that is secret will be announced and judged in front of everyone, "on the rooftops," says the Bible. Thus, the secrets of the human soul will become a spectacle for the myriad of angels and all our brothers in humanity, and they will be the cause of universal lamentation and endless weeping. The archives of our personal security service will be out for everyone to see, even those which were already destroyed, in order to state clearly and forthrightly, without any mistakes in interpretation, the absolute truth about each person's being. All will be weighed and measured by the righteous and loving judgment of God, and will become the basis for eternal blessedness, or to the contrary, eternal condemnation. The attack of observation systems: electronic, computer, media, political, etc., are a prophecy that the truth will soon be proclaimed from on high, from the rooftop of the world.
We are getting closer and closer to each other; we live in an overcrowded global village, but we feel more and more lonely, more and more distant from other people. We live only a sound signal away from America, but a whole eternity from heaven. We are close in body, distant in soul. Or, it would be better to say, our bodies are not getting closer, but rather becoming more and more pressed by matter; while the soul is becoming ever smaller, and that is why it seems so distant to us.
So, what is there left for us to do? We are recorded, wiretapped, watched. There are more and more electronic eyes, behind which are concealed either good or bad intentions—we don't know which. Everything is known about us. For we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men (1 Cor 4:9). We are playing on a giant stage, lighted to the point of absurdity by thousands of projectors, and we never see the audience hidden behind the one-way screens, which are ever growing in number.
The only good and sure thing for us to do is to live according to the Truth; that is, according to Christ. So that we might not be ashamed of anything we do (that is, we should only do good). We should live just as if—for this is how it is—we were walking before the ceaseless and loving gaze of God. The camera hidden in the soul is the chamber of the Holy Spirit, in which the holy love of the Bridegroom, Christ celebrates the feast and brings immortality.
Thoughts of repentance, of compassion, and forgiveness cannot be recorded even by the most advanced apparatus. Thus, the terror of hidden objects only has power where there is something to hide. A person with a good, merciful, and faithful life goes along in a natural way, without hidden spots, within the bounds of normal and common sense. No matter who watches him, even his domestic life, they will not find anything other than a life filled with God, and a living, real love, embodied by prayer.