Madrid, Spain, January 4, 2012

Dear Compatriots!
March 1, (February 17 o.s.), 2012, marks the 400th anniversary of the martyric death of the great Church hierarch and patriot of the Russian Land, His Holiness Patriarch Germogen.
The eminent hierarch, missionary and writer Hierarch Germogen was elected to the Patriarchal service in the midst of the Time of Troubles of the 17th century. During these terrible years, his fervent faith, indomitable will and staunch adherence to the principle of law and historic statehood restored and bolstered the spirit of our ancestors. Patriarch Germogen showed them the correct path of emerging from the grave crisis of the time and exhibited his personal bravery and selflessness. Although he was not destined to survive until the emancipation of the Homeland and the triumph of his ideals at the Great Pomestny Church and Zemsky Sobor of 1613, it is he who was the main leader, source of inspiration and hero of the peoples’ victory over the Time of Troubles.
The foreign occupiers and internal traitors who subjected the Patriarch to suffering and death from starvation, hoped in this way to deprive the Church of its leader and sap the effort for national freedom. In reality, however, having given his earthly life for his neighbors, Germogen remains forever with his people, becoming their Heavenly intercessor, representative of Russia before God.
The Church glorified Holy Martyr Germogen among the host of saints during the 300th-anniversary celebrations of Our Royal Dynasty during the reign of Holy Emperor Nicholas II the Passion-Bearer.
It was with great joy that I learned that a group of social organizations took the initiative of building a monument to Patriarch Germogen in Red Square in Moscow on donations from the Russian people, and this effort was given the blessing of the Successor to St Germogen’s Patriarchal Throne, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.
I believe and hope that each of us, regardless of our own beliefs and convictions, will make the effort of contributing towards this noble and glorious monument, which will be left to posterity as an example of piety, respect for previous generations and love for our Fatherland.
May the Lord preserve you!
Madrid, Spain, December 23, 2011
Regional Social
Foundation for the Erection of a Monument to Patriarch
Donations to the Monument to Patriarch Germogen can be made as follows:
Organization name:
ROF SIOOPP “Patriarchu Germogenu”
Legal address:
107076, Moscow, Kolodezniy per., bldg. 2-A
Mailing address:
101000, Moscow, Myasnitskaya ul., bldg. 17, 1
Acct: 40703810220170567501 in OAO “Promsvyazbank”
Additional address AiF
BIK: 044583119
Kor. account: 30101810600000000119
INN: 7718000666
KPP: 771801001
Please make the following memo:
Donation for designated activity, not subject to NDS.