May 30, 2012

In coordination with Light & Life Publishing, SGOMA has assembled two small "libraries"of books which can be donated through the Catechetical Program. The soldiers' and sailors' names have been compiled and approved by Saint George Orthodox Military Association, and SGOMA will be match each "library" to an appropriate recipient. Light & Life will then ship the books to wherever the military member may be serving, either in the United States or overseas.
The Level One Library includes:
The Orthodox Church,
Orthodox Catechism (4 volume set)
A Beginners Guide to Prayer
A Beginners Guide to Spirituality
Am I saved? An Orthodox Interpretation
Pocket Prayer Book
The Level Two Library includes:
Achieving Your Potential In Christ
The Apostolic Fathers
Defeating Sin
The Great Martyr George
How To Read Your Bible
Light Through Darkness
Breaking The Chain of Addictions
To order a library to donate to a member of the military through SGOMA, visit the Support Our Troops page at Light & Life Publishing.