Vienna, November 27, 2012

The event was held in collaboration with Holy Archbishopric of Cyprus and Cyprus-Austria Friendship Association, on the occasion of the Cyprus EU Presidency.
Archbishop Chrysostomos said that Turkey must withdraw its troops. He said that there is a need to verify the fate of missing persons in Cyprus and restoration of human rights throughout Cyprus, for all the legal and local residents.
The Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus in Austria, Kostas Papadimas, and the President of Cyprus-Austria Friendship Association, Peter Leenert gave speeches and representatives of public life and representatives from foreign diplomatic missions attended.
The ceremony included traditional dances performance, music played by the Holy Archbishopric of Cyprus music band, a dance group of Aradipos Municipality as well as a photo exhibition in regard to the culture, art and nature of Cyprus. The event was followed by traditional Cypriot cuisine dinner offered by Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus.