Tbilisi, February 15, 2013
The Rector of St Barbara's Church in Tbilisi, Archpriest Teodor Gogoladze has completed his work on a translation of the first (September) volume of the Menaion ("The lives of Saints") of St. Dimitry of Rostov, according to the Blagovest-info webs

The volume of the Menaion has already appeared on counters of Church shops in Georgia; in all, twelve volumes will be published.
In his interview to the weekly The Patriarchate's bulletin, Fr. Teodor stressed that translation into the Georgian language of the Menaion completely and in every detail corresponds to the original. "Saint Ephraim Mtsire, a tenth century Georgian writer, translator and philosopher, created the theory of translation, and his principles are at the foundation of world literature in translation. In one of his works, Ephraim Mtsire writes that translation must necessarily be carried out from the language of the primary source (origin), must not allow abridgements or additions and must correspond to the text of origin. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account peculiarities of the language into which a work is translated.
Following these principles, with God’s help I did not omit any paragraph, any detail, included in the Menaion of St. Dimitry of Rostov," said the priest.
Translation for OrthoChristian.com