Dear readers!
Your efforts were not in vain—owing to funds raised by all for the soloist of the Sretensky Monastery, Peter Gudkov, who is suffering from cancer (Hodgkin's lymphoma), he managed to complete a course of medical treatment which turned out very successful.
We have received a happy news from Chicago where Peter has been taking treatment: 90% of the tumor has disappeared. Together with Peter himself and the Choir of the Sretensky Monastery, we thank everybody for prayers and financial support, and ask to respond once more:
Peter is to have the final stage of his treatment—a bone marrow transplant.
Money for treatment must be paid in March.
Our editorial staff has received two letters: from Peter himself and from his colleagues, singers of our choir.
We are publishing them in full—with faith and hope that they will be answered.
The letter of the choir of the Sretensky Monastery
Dear friends!
It is hard to believe how much has been done by all of us for such a short period of time. In autumn, we started the campaign for rescue of Peter's life: this is no exaggeration, for he arrived at the hospital in the fourth stage of his disease.
But the Lord is merciful; we have overcome the obstacle for these four short months and now the "home straight" is before us. Peter has responded to the treatment very well and the doctors feel confident that the bone marrow transplant will enable him to overcome his sickness and to return to full life.
Please, donate for this noble cause and continue praying for Peter's health! He thanks you from depth of his heart!
The letter of Peter Gudkov

Thank you for your support!
Before the New Year I went through four courses of chemotherapy and upon their completion I had a check-up which revealed extremely good and positive dynamics on Brentuximab treatment. More than 90% of the tumor has disappeared.
The doctors have decided to give me the fifth course of chemotherapy and then to begin a transplant of the bone marrow.
On January 21, the fifth introduction of medicinal substance was given to me and I am now recovering after therapy.
Thanks to support of each of you, enough funds were raised ($89,500) for to pay for the first stage of treatment and expenses for a donor search ($10,035).

Now doctors have found three potential donors, two of whom are ideal. At the moment medical examination of their health status is being carried out. I have every prospect that one of them will be able to give me his bone marrow. Examination of my physical state is beginning as well.
In March, the doctors plan to begin the transplant. The financial office of the hospital, having made necessary calculations, has given an official letter with description of expenses for the transplant and postoperative period.
Of course, I would have done nothing without your generous financial support and your prayers. But I still need your help.
At present, fundraising is going on everywhere.
Will be grateful for any help, prayers and kind thought. May God keep you.
Citibank information:
To donate US dollars:
Recipient: Peter Alekseyevich Gudkov
Account number: 40817840930172912486
Bank: ZAO Citibank (Moscow)
Bank correspondent: Citibank NY
SWIFT code of correspondent bank: CITIUS33
Account number in Citibank NY: 36087478
To donate in Euros:
Recipient: Peter Alekseyevich Gudkov
Account number: 40817840930172912486
Bank: ZAO Citibank (Moscow)
Bank correspondent: Citibank NA London
SWIFT code of correspondent bank: CITIGB2L
Account number in correspondent bank: 5520800