On Monday evening, Jesus Christ also tarried in Bethany, and on Tuesday morning he again came to the temple in Jerusalem and taught much in the both inside and outside the temple (Mt. 21:1). The high priests and elders heard His parables and understood that He was talking about them, and so they tried to catch Him and kill Him. However, they were afraid to take Him openly because the people revered Him as a prophet (Mt. 21:46), and were astonished at His doctrine (Mk. 11:18), and heard Him gladly (Mk. 12:37).

On this day, the Church has chosen as foremost from the Gospel teachings of Christ the parable of the ten virgins, particularly appropriate for the period of Holy Week, during which we should be especially vigilant and in prayer. Through the parable of the ten virgins the Church is urging us to be always ready to meet the Heavenly Bridegroom with chastity, almsgiving, and the urgent practice of all the other virtues, which are represented by the oil prepared by the wise virgins.
Archpriest G. C. Debolsky
Service Days of the Orthodox Church, v. 2