Moscow, May 17, 2013

“According to Russian law, we must work clearly and consistently on maintaining morality, directed to the teaching of patriotism to the growing generation, and not toward unclear aspirations, not to mention taking the city’s central squares and streets for this,” said Aleksei Mayorov, head of Regional Security for the city of Moscow, according to Interfax
If homosexual activists defy the law and attempt to march as they have in previous years, Mayorov warned that “a certain reaction will follow and the action will be thwarted,” according to RIA Novosti. “In our opinion there is no desire for such events in the city.”
Mayorov’s statements are reflective of public sentiment in Russia, where 87 percent say they are opposed to such “gay pride” events, according to a poll recently conducted by the Levada Public Opinion Center, which also found that 85 percent are also opposed to the creation of homosexual “marriage.”
Homosexual “pride” marches are often characterized by open debauchery that includes public nudity, simulated and real acts of sodomy, mockery of Christianity, and public drunkenness.
Moscow’s continuing refusal to capitulate to the international homosexual movement’s demands is in defiance of European Court of Human Rights, which has ordered the city to allow such demonstrations, as well as the chairman of the Council of Europe, who has denounced Moscow’s ban on “gay pride.”
Attempts by homosexuals to hold public demonstrations in Moscow and other cities have provoked outrage by religious leaders and ordinary Russian citizens, who often confront the marchers with force. Police have found it necessary to detain and arrest homosexuals who have defied local “pride” bans in recent years.
The Russian parliament is currently considering a nationwide ban on homosexual propaganda aimed at minors, a measure that has already been passed by a number of Russian cities.
In neighboring Georgia, priests and faithful of the Orthodox Church broke up a “gay pride” event this week.