Belgrad, May 20, 2013
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Specialists from Russia, Serbia, Bulgaria, the Ukraine, Greece, Italy, Norway and Lithuania took part in the forum. The conference was organized by the international fund for the restoration and preservation of St. Panteleimon Monastery's cultural and spiritual heritage.
Multifaceted Athonite-Slavic connections from the most ancient times to the 20th century, including crucial epochs of hesychasm and the Philokalia's restoration were covered in the reports. Reports of a particular theme included ones devoted to literary connections, manuscript heritage, liturgical and hagiographical traditions.
The launch of the book by Archimandrite Antoninus (Kapustin), Notes of an admirer of the Holy Mountain (Moscow, Intrik, 2013) and the catalogue, "The Slavic-Russian manuscripts kept in the library and the archive of the Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery on Athos" (Mount Athos, 2013), which includes a description of 1435 units of storage, took place within the framework of the conference. The compiler of the catalogue is the St Pantelimon Monastery's librarian, Monk Hermolaus (Chezhia), and the editors are J.L. Levshina and A.A. Turilov.
This edition is the first of three catalogues of manuscripts, printed books, and archival materials of St. Panteleimon Monastery that will be published in the series Russian Athos of the 19th–20th centuries. Descriptions of manuscripts in Greek, Western European and Eastern languages will be included in the following volume.
Another important academic publication being prepared is the edition of documents of St. Panteleimon Monastery, work on which is being done in the "The history of Athos" center, under leadership of D.V. Zubov.
The conference in Belgrad has become the first of four scheduled conferences at which the themes of Slavic-Athonite connections and heritage of Russian Athonites will be discussed.