Paris, July 10, 2013
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The Catholic thinker and historian Roberto de Mattei has published in Correspondance Europeenne an article entitled "Christianophobia: the anti-Christian revolution that is shaking the world", which systematizes the fullest analytics on this issue, reports Sedmitza.
Mattei states that the number of incidents related to the violation of rights of Christians is continuously rising in different parts of the world. Christians are systematically attacked in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
On May 27, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, speaking before the Human Rights Council in Geneva, gave irrefutable evidences that every year over 100,000 Christians become victims of violence.
The Austrian researcher Gudrun Veronika Kugler in her report on discrimination against Christians represented on May 23 in Tirana at the conference of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, demonstrated examples of restrictions on Christians' freedom of religion, the number of which has noticeably increased in Europe.
In an article published on June 2 in Corriere della Sera daily newspaper, the journalist Ernesto Galli della Loggia describes the current situation in the European society as an"anti-religious revolution", "a revolution in the mentality and collective morality that signifies a break with the past". According to Della Loggia, this "revolution" strikes the religious factor as such. As Christianity historically consolidated its position in Europe, precisely Christians are now under pressure.
The article of Roberto de Mattei abounds in examples of cases of discrimination that demonstrate an anti-Christian mood in the society, and the anti-Christian actions taken by authorities in different countries of the world.
As a reminder of the 1700th anniversary of the Edict of Milan, the author specifies that Christians are not going to impose their faith on anybody. They are striving to defend the right to confess their faith freely, making use of the legal regulations adopted in the society to do so.