Moscow, August 12, 2013

On August 11, the traditional Cross procession took place on Corfu in full swing. It is celebrated here annually in commemoration of a miracle of St. Spyridon--the liberation of the island from Muslim dominion in 1716.

On that morning, crowds of the faithful gathered to honor the memory of their beloved saint and to walk through the island in a long procession headed by Metropolitan Nektarios of Corfu, Paxoi, and the Diapontia Islands and by other Hierarchs, reports Romphea.
In his speech, Metropolitan Nektarios of Corfu, Paxoi, and the Diapontia Islands, who headed the procession, said: "Today, when human values are being challenged and ordinary people, politicians, public institutions and ideologies dispute everything, the presence of St. Spyridon shows that the only unquestionable fact is holiness--the Lord's gift to people who love Him and are faithful to Him. People who look at the world from the perspective of eternity and love, sanctify the world after their death and set an example for it".