Moscow, August 15, 2013

Lukin in his interview to the Ekho Moskvy (Echo of Moscow) radio station said that unisex "marriages" in Russia could be "quite possible," but the opinion of the majority should be considered.
"I would like to develop the ombudsman's thought about legalization of unisex "marriages." I believe that anything is possible in Russia, but when we introduce this anything, we should consider majority's opinion," Silantyev told Interfax-Religion on Thursday.
The Orthodox human rights advocate notes that today the majority of people "won't support introduction of this anything, so the problem of legalizing it should be settled step by step to find a formula that would consider the opinion of both majority and minority."
"I'd like to stress that it is extremely important not to allow confrontation between advocates and opponents of anything and split the society. We are against anything that is bad and for anything that is good if the majority supports us," Silantyev summed up.