Rome, August 27, 2013
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According to the survey conducted at the order of the Italian Waldensian Church, about 20%of all Italians believe that the author of the Gospels is Jesus Christ. 84%of respondents could not pronounce in the right chronological order the names Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus.
According to the surveys of various think-tanks (Eurobarometer, Eurispes), from 74% up to about 90% of Italian residents believe in God. The Eurispes' survey asserts that 87.8% of the population consider themselves Catholics, of those 36.8% are practicing.
30.8% of respondents aged from 18 to 24 as well as 22.4%
and 28.5% of respondents aged 25–34 and 35–44
respectively, attend a Mass each Sunday. Besides these,
about 1.3 million Orthodox believers live in Italy; they
are mainly recent immigrants. The Orthodox Church is the
second largest religious community in Italy. Around 900
thousand Orthodox Christians belong to the Romanian
Orthodox Church, 150 thousand to the Ukrainian Orthodox
Church, 90 thousand to the Orthodox Church of Moldova;
there are also a small number of Orthodox believers of
other communities (Russian, Greek, Bulgarian and others).
About 750 thousand Italian Christians belong to Protestant
Churches, most of them to the Pentecostal Assemblies of
God (400 thousand).