Moscow, October 3, 2013

The Muslims have asked the city to provide them a parcel of land in the development plan for the "new Moscow", reports the Izvestia newspaper on Thursday.
"There is no real compact planning in the ‘new Moscow’, so an appropriate space can be found there a little way from the residential communities to avoid protests of local residents. The Mosque will be not very large—just for several thousand people. But the area itself will be not small: social constructions will be situated on it—a museum, a halal cafe and a cultural center. The precise district has not been fixed yet, but we reckon to obtain land where there is a Tatar community and enough space to walk with children," said Albir Krganov, the Mufti of Moscow and the Central region.
According to him, the Muslim center will be oriented towards the Tatar and Bashkir communities.