Monrovia, October 8, 2013

As a result of the successful joint operation carried out together with the services concerned, S. Safronov managed to prevent the killing of the child. Having coordinated the operation actions with the Department for protection of rights of women and children, they chose a suitable woman who acted as a buyer.
She met with the seller of the child and agreed to conclude a bargain for 150 dollars (USA). The seller was notified that the child was to be bought for conducting the rite of sacrifice and would be killed. The man confirmed that this suited him.
During the bargaining, the culprit was detained. It has become clear that the child's parents died and the boy remained in the charge of his distant relative who decided to sell him.
Human sacrifices in Liberia are quite widespread. This is due to traditional African beliefs. As a rule, children aged not older than 10 are sacrificed.
Officers of the Russian Police have for over 10 years been taking part in the international operation on maintaining the peace in the country of Liberia in western Africa. At the present time, the Russian police contingent there numbers 12 persons.