Riga, November 23, 2013

On November 21, 2013, as a result of the collapse of the roof and the walls in the shopping center of the micro-district Zolitude of the Latvian capital, 53 people were killed and 40 injured, 29 of who have been hospitalized. More people still may be under the rubble.
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has conveyed his condolence to the Latvian president Andris Berzinsh and to Metropolitan Alexander of Riga and All Latvia. The Synod of the Latvian Orthodox Church has also expressed its condolence to the families of those killed and injured, reports Patriarchia.ru.
On November 22, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and the members of the Supreme Church Council of the Russian Orthodox Church prayed for the repose of the victims of the tragedy in Riga.
During the national mourning days in Latvia, on November 23-25, with the blessing of the head of the Latvian Orthodox Church in all Orthodox Churches of Latvia, prayer services for the health of those injured and funeral services for the repose of those killed will be performed after Divine Liturgy.
Chaplains and clergymen of the Latvian Orthodox Church are available all the time at the scene of the tragedy to provide pastoral aid.
With the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Riga and All Latvia, the Latvian Orthodox Church is beginning fundraising to support the victims of the tragedy in Zolitude.