Holy Mount Athos, December 15, 2013

Paisios the Athonite and other elders from Holy Mount Athos will be canonized soon, reports the AgionOros.ru ("Holy Mountain") website with reference to the authoritative Greek portal Hellas-Orthodoxy.
Several months ago the same portal, with the reference to sources from Holy Mount Athos, was the first to publish the information on the impending canonization of elder Porphyrios the Kapsokalivite.
According to the latest reports from Holy Mount Athos, within the next few days Elder Paisios (Eznepidis) the Athonite will be canonized. Some time later the canonizations of elder Amphilochios (Makris) of Patmos, elder Sophrony (Sakharov) of Essex, and elder Ephraim of Katounakia will follow.
The canonization of elder Joseph the Hesychast, ascetic who is widely venerated in the Orthodox world, is not far off as well.