Kiev December 20, 2013

On December 19 the feast of St. Nicholas the wonderworker, with the blessing of his beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev and all Ukraine, in the Dormition Cathedral of the Kiev-Caves Lavra, a moleben was served for the increase of love and uprooting of hatred and all ill-will, reports the site of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
Before the services in the Dormition Cathedral, the miracle working icon of the mother of God “Look Upon Humility” was brought from the Kiev monastery of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple by a Cross procession.
The moleben was led by the Father Superior of the Lavra Metropolitan Pavel of Vyshgorod and Chernobyl, with Metropolitan Antony of Borispol and Brovary, and other vicar bishops and clergy of the Kiev diocese participating.

The services took place before the relics of St. Vladimir Equal-to-the-Apostles and the “Kiev-Caves Lavra” and “Look Upon Humility” icons of the Most Holy Theotokos.
After the service, Metropolitan Antony read His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir’s address to the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
With the blessing of the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, intense prayer was made on that day in all monasteries and churches of the Ukraine, reports the official website of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
“Already half of the Nativity fast has slipped by unnoticeably. Political passions are blazing all around, and the Church is praying for the increase of love and the uprooting of hate and ill-will, for peace and tranquility in the country,” read the address.
“Beloved brothers and sisters! Do not destroy your inner peace and love with irritation and offensive words. Do not allow aggression and violence. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men (Rom. 12:18).
“But most importantly, pray and fast, because passions are cast out by prayer and fasting alone (cf. Mt. 17:21). Pray for the overcoming of enmity and conflict, for the triumph of peace and tranquility, so that we the faithful might live our lives “calmly and peacefully, in all piety and purity,” following after the Christmas Star to the Bethlehem cave of the Christ Child.”
Cross processions and molebens were conducted throughout the Ukraine on December 19.
In Odessa the Cross procession for the salvation of the Ukraine gathered approximately 5,000 participants. All who are showing their support for the lawfully elected authorities, who do not accept attempts at schism in the country and overthrowing the government under the auspices of Euro-Maidan (what the protests on Independence Square are being called) walked through the central streets of the city. The Cross procession ended with a united moleben on Cathedral Square.
Metropolitan Diodor of Odessa read His Beatitude Vladimir’s address and added that, “Because we have no other way to influence the outcome of these political events, we are praying to God and his saints, to bring peace.” In a video shown on national television, participants interviewed expressed their desire that St. Nicholas and other saints of God, who have always helped the Ukrainian people in times of need, will again help the Ukrainian people to solve their own problems themselves, without interference from foreigners.