Moscow, December 30, 2013

"It is time at last to put an end to the terror and terrorists. We must not wait for repetition of the Syrian scenario in Russia. The hand of the executors of the terrorist act in Volgograd is more than recognizable," stated Farid Salman, head of the Ulema Council of the All-Russian Muslim Board, whose text was received by Interfax-Religion.
He sees in this tragedy an aspiration to cause a clash between the Russian people on ethnic and religious grounds.
"The future of all of us, of the country depends on how we, the Russian people, believing in God—Muslims, Christians, and Jews—will together oppose terror by our aspiration to live in peace and in the field of the good," read the document.

"We must bring up our children in the spirit of values of kindness, love to our neighbor, the sanctity of human life, inadmissibility of killing, and pay special attention to the rising generation, since very young people are often subjected to negative influences," read the statement of A. Boroda, reported to Interfax-Religion.