Yakutia, January 23, 2014

Bishop Roman of Yakutsk and Lensk stated this during an interview with News.Ykt.Ru.
“The number of ethnic Yakut faithful is increasing noticeably, which makes me very happy. For this, we have translated one of the main services, the Liturgy, into Yakut. For over a year, we have celebrated the Liturgy in Yakut every Sunday. In addition, the Liturgy in Yakut is served in Verkhnevilyuisk, Vilyuisk, and Suntar,” noted Vladyka Roman.
The Bishop stated that in Yakutia there are 67 registered Orthodox communities.
“There are not actual church buildings everywhere. In some places the communities rent separate quarters or even an apartment in an apartment complex. But 67 communities is a fairly large number,” said Bishop Roman.
He added that in the Diocese of Yakutia there are two monasteries, one male and one female.
“In our Holy Protection Convent, which has existed for 15 years, there are 12 nuns headed by the Abbess. In the monastery, which was officially opened in October of last year, there are six priests and monks: three hieromonks and three novices. Life is only just beginning and being restored,” he noted.
According to Vladyka, the construction of churches in Yakutia will continue.
“We will strengthen the liturgical life and, through this, we will intensify social activities aimed at helping the sick, the abandoned, and the lonely. For a parish is not only a place of prayer, but also a place of widely applied sacrificial love, care, and attention. In March we will hold the Third Congress of Orthodox Youth,” related Bishop Roman.