Warsaw, March 31, 2014

On March 18, in the residence of the Metropolitan Savva of Warsaw and All Poland, the spring session of the Synod of Bishops of the Polish Orthodox Church, unprecedented decision was made—the first in the history of the Orthodox Church. A Church that currently lives according to the new style calendar has accepted a resolution to return to the old (Julian) calendar.
“Taking into consideration that the majority of parishes in the Polish Church (96%) celebrate [Church] feasts according to the old style (Julian calendar), and at the request of the faithful, the Synod of Bishops has canceled the resolution of the Synod from April 24, 1924 concerning the change to the new, Gregorian calendar, and resolved to return to the Julian calendar beginning June 15, 2014 (new style), on the Sunday of All Saints,” reports the official site of the Polish Orthodox Church.
The site also reports that the new style may be preserved at all the parishes where there is such a need.