Kishinev (Chişinaú), May 22, 2014

The monument has been installed in a park area—an arboretum which is a favorite walking area of city residents. It is a stylized bench for those in love with each other, piercing a big glass clock in the form of a heart. The clock and the bench symbolize maintaining purity before marriage, and the heart – love which can wait.
“In recent years in Moldavia more and more school students start early sexual life which has provoked escalation of abortions and birth of children out of wedlock. Each participant of our project pledges to practice purity before marriage. This fact will be recorded into a special booklet. On the wedding day each bridegroom and his bride will exchange halves of their booklets and other halves will leave in the monument niche,” said the project’s initiator, leader of the “For the family” public association Archpriest Vasily Filat at opening of the monument.
According to an inscription on the plate with a capsule (installed near the monument), in which cards with pledges of those in love are enclosed, thousands of people decided to pursue chastity and maintain purity of relations until marriage. The cards they signed are kept at the monument’s pedestal.
The initiators of this monument’s erection from the “For family” public association encourage sexual continence until marriage. Opening of the monument took place as part of the “True love can wait” national campaign, initiated by a group of priests at the turn of last year.