Moscow, May 26, 2014

On June 1, 2014, the annual international all-Church action, “Russia—for life! Russia—without abortions!” will take place. It is coordinated by the Synodal Department for Youth Affairs and the “Georgievtsy” Orthodox youth movements’ union, reports
With the blessing of Bishop Ignaty of Vyborg and Priozersk, head of the Youth Affairs Department, events aimed at counteraction against abortion and the popularization of family values will take place all over Russia. The action will be timed to coincide with the Children Defense International Day. Prayer services and various special events, dedicated to the problem of abortions (specifically, distribution of educational leaflets, marches, screening of films with discussions) will be held in more than 60 dioceses starting May 29.
On June 1 in Moscow’s western district the “Pro-life” (against abortions) prayer standing and the “Keep Me Alive” charitable action will be held. The aim of these events is to attract attention of the church and secular public to the subject of protecting the lives of unborn children, and support for the traditional family and large families.
On that day after the Divine Liturgy in all churches of the western district the clergy will perform a prayer standing, “In defense of life”. They will prayer that all women wishing to have abortions be brought to their senses, that those who have already had abortions be forgiven their sin of killing children in their wombs, for the successful birth of children who are already conceived, and for the preservation and increase of love in families in Russia and all countries around the world.
After the prayer standing, a fundraising event will be held to support the creation of special stands to call upon mothers not to make abortions. The stands will be installed in 14 maternity centers and obstetric consulting rooms on the territory of the Western Administrative District of Moscow.