Kronstadt (St. Petersburg region), June 12, 2014

In 2014, the 185th anniversary of birth of Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt is celebrated, and the town of Kronstadt is celebrating the 310th anniversary since its foundation.
In honor of the festive dates the administration of Kronstadt decided to make the day of canonization of the Kronstadt pastor an all-town event, reports the St. Petersburg Metropolia’s website.
On June 14 at 10:00 a Divine Liturgy with a festive prayer service will be celebrated in Andreevsky Skver (public garden), which is situated on the site of the destroyed Andreevsky (St. Andrew’s) Cathedral, where Fr. John of Kronstadt used to serve.
After the service, the ceremony of laying flowers to the monument of Righteous John of Kronstadt near the house where the archpriest lived at Posadskaya Street, 21 will take place.
After the solemn ceremony, a concert of Russian spiritual music will be performed.
On that day charity film screenings and exhibitions will take place in Kronstadt.