Iraq, June 15, 2014

AINA contacted a former member of the Iraqi Parliament, whose identity cannot be revealed for his safety, who said "The Mosul provincial government was in collusion with ISIS. The innocent citizens of Mosul are paying the price of the manipulations of Atheel and Osama al-Nujaifi."
Atheel al-Nujaifi is the current governor of the Nineveh Governorate and is a hard-line Sunni. It is reported that he fled Mosul ahead of the ISIS attack.
Today the city of Tikrit, a Sunni stronghold, also fell to ISIS. A source from Tikrit, which AINA contacted via email, said "We are now calling on all international organizations for help because we are terrified by what we are hearing from the street. I wish you could convey our voices to those who can help to end the farce. The people are currently in the hands of a conspiracy between the government and the militias." She added "In Tikrit today, the prisons were opened and looting and pillaging began."
According to reports from Mosul, ISIS has gone on a rampage, looting and burning government buildings, raising its black flag throughout the city and burning churches. According to an AFP report, it stormed the Turkish consulate yesterday and kidnapped 48 people including the head of the diplomatic mission.
World Watch Monitor reported that ISIS have moved into Christian areas near Mosul, and have occupied the Assyrian (also known as Chaldean and Syriac) village of Qaraqosh and entered the St. Behnam Monastery.
ISIS has warned the Christian residents of Mosul, specifically women, to wear the Islamic veil. The warnings have come at checkpoints setup throughout the city by ISIS. The husband of an Assyrian woman was abducted at a checkpoint and threatened with death if his wife did not don the Islamic veil.
ISIS members bombed an Armenian church which was under construction in the Left Bank neighborhood, near al-Salaam hospital.
The Church of the Holy Spirit was looted by ISIS members, who removed most of its electrical equipment.
Patriarch Sako of the Chaldean Church issued a statement to Fides, saying "We believe that the best solution to all these problems is the creation of a government of national unity in order to strengthen the control of the State and the rule of law in order to protect the Country, its citizens and their property and preserve national unity."