Athens, June 22, 2014

This is suggested by the results of the poll conducted by the All-European Social Research Department in 19 countries of the European Union. Its results have been published by ΕλεύθεροςΤύπος newspaper, reports AgionOros.
75 percent of Greeks have called themselves religious and 46.2 percent have stated that they pray regularly. The respective figures for Catholic and especially Protestant countries are lower.
In the countries with a predominantly Catholic population 25.4% of citizens pray regularly, while in Protestant countries, only 17.9% of the population claim regular prayer.
26 percent of citizens of Greece attend church services at least once a week, in Catholic countries, 25.6 percent, and in countries with the predominantly Protestant population, 7.7 percent.
The highest percentage people who attend church services regularly is seen in Ireland (53.8 percent) and Poland (56.7 percent).
Only 1.7 percent of Greek citizens call themselves “totally non-religious” and only 4.1 percent have admitted that they do not pray or go to church.