
Leading up to the Great War, the Weimar Republic could no longer be characterized as a Christian nation. The writings of Karl Marx and Charles Darwin had already captivated the hearts and minds of the German people.
2.Hitler was at the very core of his being a Darwinist who firmly and unwaveringly believed in the concept of survival of the fittest.
3.All of the most prominent Nazis such as Josef Goebbels, Herman Goering, Martin Bormann and Heinrich Himmler were vehemently anti-Christian.
4.Hitler’s use of the word “God” in many of his speeches was just a substitute for whatever ephemeral concept he had of this “Divine Being” he was calling on or referring to. It was certainly not the God of the Bible and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
5.Jesus’ death on the cross was an anathema to the Nazis who viewed it as weakness and totally against the very core of the Germanic (Nordic, pagan, heathen) character. The two great commandments were sneered at and viewed as a sign of weakness.
6.The “Christians” who accepted Nazism had to ultimately deny the very foundations of Christianity, such as the redeeming death on the cross and the resurrection. Jesus’ Jewishness was obviously insulting to the Nazi mind and thus the Bible was stripped of all Jewish references.
7.The “Christianity” prevalent in Nazi Germany was a farce and had no connection to orthodox Christianity in what it taught, believed or practiced.
8.The true Christians such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer and others were the only ones who actively opposed the Nazis. Rest assured that when people try to hijack Christianity for their own selfish and sinful gains, God will intervene and send men and women to oppose any heresy. This was also illustrated in Apartheid South Africa.
9.The Confessing Church was formed as a direct opposition to the German Faith Movement (a pro-Nazi “Christian” group).
10. Christian festivals such as Christmas and Easter were stripped of the Christian connections and populated by pagan and heathen symbolisms.
11. The Nazis actively sought to destroy the influence of Christianity in the schools and thus targeted the youth relentlessly. The leader of the Hitlerjugend, Baldur von Shirach, was an outspoken pagan and explicitly declared the incompatibility between Christianity and Nazi ideology.
12. Christians suffered tremendously under Nazi oppression and many paid the ultimately price in the Nazi death camps.
History testifies to the fact that the belief that Hitler was a Christian is devoid of any truth. Atheists believe this myth since they hate God and the faith that God Himself gave to this world. For those who sincerely seek the truth there are books to read on this issue such as “The swastika and the cross” by Bruce Walker and “Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian worldview” by Jerry Bergman.