Memory 3 (16) March
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Holy Catholicos Ioane IV (Chrysostom) led the Apostolic Church of Georgia from approximately 980 to 1001.
Catholicos Basil III’s “Story of St. Shio’s Miracles” describes how the hitherto childless parents of St. Ioane prayed at length to St. Shio of Mgvime. After the birth of Ioane, his God-fearing parents sent him to be raised at Shio-Mgvime Monastery. There he acquired the sanctity and wisdom for which he would later be called “Chrysostom,” meaning “golden mouth” in Greek. By this name he has been known throughout the history of the Georgian Church.
There is yet another Ioane called “Chrysostom” who was also a Catholicos, from 1033 to 1049. This Ioane was a disciple of Holy Catholicos-PatriarchMelchizedek I and his successor as chief shepherd of the Georgian Church. His life and labors were full of the same holiness as those of the holy catholicos Ioane who is commemorated on this day. For this reason Ioane IV and Ioane V are often erroneously believed to be one and the same person.
The truth of things revealed thee to thy flock as a rule of faith, an image of meekness, and a teacher of temperance. Thereby didst thou attain the heights by humility and riches through poverty. O Father and Holy Hierarch Ioane, intercede with Christ God that our souls may be saved!