Lipetsk, August 20, 2014

Several hundreds of residents from Lipetsk, a town in central-south Russia, have set out as part of the cross procession in honor of Holy Hierarch Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh and Zadonsk, Wonder-Worker of All Russia (1724-1783; commemorated August 13/26). The Orthodox procession started on Tuesday, August 19, from the Nativity of Christ Cathedral at the regional center, reports LRNews.

As it was last year, the cross procession members took with them an Icon of the Holy Tsar Nicolas II, weighing 100 kilos. The procession participants, among whom are many Cossacks and representatives of monarchist movements, are carrying Icons of the Holy Tsesarevich (Crown Prince) Alexei, Nicolas II’s son, and “imperial” and Andreevsky flags.

The faithful have visited along the way the church at Syrskiy Rudnik, the St. Sergius of Radonezh Church in the a subdivision, through Kosyrevka to Krutyye Khutora. On August 21, the Orthodox pilgrims will make a stop in Chastaya Dubrava, on August 22 in Verkhny Studenets, on August 23 in Donskoye. On August 24 the cross procession members will arrive in Zadonsk where they will take part in the events, dedicated to the commemoration of St. Tikhon.