Memory 19 October (1 November)

At the age of fourteen Nikoloz set off for the Klarjeti Wilderness and began to lead a strict ascetic life. Later he journeyed to Jerusalem and, having venerated the holy places, decided to remain there, where none of his loved ones could disturb him.
But before long even this failed to satisfy St. Nikoloz’s desire to draw nearer to God, so he asked his spiritual father for a blessing to receive the crown of martyrdom and began to seek death for Christ’s sake. He was arrested and tortured several times by the Muslims for publicly preaching the Christian Faith, but the local Christians always succeeded in setting him free.
On October 19, 1314, St. Nikoloz finally attained his goal — he was beheaded by the Muslims. The last words he spoke were: “Glory toThee, O Lord, Who hast accounted me worthy to die for Thy sake!” After they had beheaded him, the unbelievers burned the holymartyr’s body.
(The life of St. Nikoloz Dvali is described in greater detail in the commemorations for February 12.)