Memory 4 (17) November

Among the saints canonized by the Georgian Church, only four have been called “Righteous.” They are St. Ilia Chavchavadze, well known as the “father” and “uncrowned king” of the Georgian nation, and Sts. Ioane, Stepane, and Isaiah the Georgians.
It is believed that Holy Ioane, Stepane, and Isaiah lived in Jerusalem and guarded the Tomb of our Lord. It is probable that the Georgian Orthodox Church proclaimed them deserving of exceptional honor in recognition of their dedicated service at the Tomb of the Savior.
For several centuries the Georgian Church has glorified the Righteous Ioane, Stepane, and Isaiah and asked for their intercessions before the Lord.
Holy and Righteous Ioane, Stepane, and Isaiah the Georgians, pray to God for us!