Kirkuk, October 18, 2014
Militants of the “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant” (ISIS) terrorist group try to avoid fighting with the Kurd women’s battalions. The reason for the takfirists’ fears is, first of all, in their religious doctrine, reports the Linga news portal with the reference to the news agencies.

According to the media reports, in north Syria hundreds of women of different ages have been fighting against the ISIS terrorists for several months now. According to Colonel Nahida Ahmed Rashid, leader of the female battalion of the Kurdish Peshmerga (the armed forces of Kurdistan), every day new volunteers join the battalions to defend Syria and Iraq, and many of them are representatives of “the fair sex”.
“All these women are undergoing the same serious combat training as men, under the leadership of the Iraqi government army and a number of special forces. The women soldiers’ results are by no means inferior to the results of men – that is why dozens of our wives and daughters are fighting shoulder to shoulder together with us on the front line, even in the men’s detachments. In the nearest future we plan to send a part of our women-fighters to accomplish special missions in Kirkuk,” added Rashid. She has also with pride told about the famous female military commander Maysa Abdo, who has become a symbol of struggle with extremism and interventions for all Kurds.
In her turn, a Peshmerga female soldier named Tikushin recounted the military routine to the journalists.
According to her evidence, among other things, the secret of success of “the weaker sex” battalions is in the panic brought upon militants at even the sight of an armed woman.
“As is generally known, to fall in battle is the highest goal of every islamist; an islamist believes that he will receive a heavenly reward,” Tikushin notes. “But it is of no small importance from whose hands he will be slain: if it is a man then the islamist cannot think of a greater honor; but if it is a woman then they, according to their beliefs, will lose the heavenly reward and will be deprived of their houris (in Islam: ever young, beautiful virgins who will be companions of righteous Muslims in Paradise) and will go to hell”.
She has added that to be wounded by a woman is no less shame for an islamist.