Holy Mount Athos, October 22, 2014

Four boards and a mat—this is all he needs for rest and sleep.
Karoulia has caves with cells hung on precipitous rocks in the southernmost part of the Athos peninsula, not far from Katounakia skete. Distant caves that can be reached only by means of chains attached to the rocks, are called Inner, or “Terrifying” Caves.
The future Monk Seraphim formerly studied at the university, the Department of Economics, and then worked as a journalist in Serbian television media. In the world he left a 16-year-old daughter, reports Afonskaya Tribuna news portal.
“My faith had nothing to do with my work as a journalist—these are two opposite worlds, different values and convictions,” Brother Seraphim relates. “Here I am praying for my daughter and wife, since I have never really left them. I am with them in my mind. It is just that one fine day I simply became inflamed with love for our triune Godhead. And this is for the good of all of us”.

“Once it happened that I had absolutely nothing to eat, and then a true miracle occurred. I saw an eagle flying very fast towards me. I got frightened and thought to myself: now it will seize me and carry away, goodness knows where. But, as it was approaching, I saw that it was holding something in its beak. It was a fresh fish… That was my supper on that day,” Monk Seraphim joyfully said in conclusion.