Moscow, November 2, 2014

On October 31, 2014, at the Civic Chamber participants of the hearings of the Volunteer Work Commission discussed the issues of rights to life for unborn children, reports the Civic Chamber’s website.
“70 years ago, a new morality was created in Europe, according to which the youth should be maximumally socialized already at an early age. As a result of this young men assaulted young girls, the number of sexually transmitted diseases and, above all, of abortions among schoolgirls increased,” noted Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov, chairman of the Patriarchal Commission for Family and Protection of Motherhood and Childhood.
According to him, “it did no good except for the enormous profit to pharmaceutical companies. And all this took place “under the aegis of the UN.”
According to Dmitry Sevirkin, deputy of the Samara Duma, Russia ranks 181 in population density.
“We catastrophically lack citizens: teachers, doctors, soldiers. At the same time, the number of abortions made in the country is enormous. The number of abortions made after 1918 can be compared with the total losses of the warn (World War II).”
Realizing this problem, the Samara Regional Duma proposed to strike off voluntary abortion from the list of diseases for whose treatment funds are appropriated from the Compulsory Medical Insurance fund, he stressed.
“A child needs special defense and protection, including an adequate legal protection before and after birth alike,” Vladimir Potikha, co-chairman of the organizing committee of the “For Life” pro-life festival cited the Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified by the Russian Federation.
“We are proposing to adjust the Russian legislation in accordance with the international norms,” he emphasized.
According to Alexander Lyulka, leader of the school of Orthodox missionaries at the Synodal Missionary Department, everybody admits that an abortion means killing.
“If that is so, then abortions must become criminally liable. In our country, committed felons are not subjected to the death penalty, while babies who simply failed to be born are killed with impunity.
“Why can a human being be murdered at the age of between 0 and 9 months, and the state pays for it? Doctors persuade mothers to make abortions as they are responsible for the mothers’ health. Then why not give the doctor’s responsibility for the mother’s health the same status as the responsibility for the unborn child’s life?” A. Lyulka asks the reasonable question.
According to a member of the Russian Federation’s Civic Chamber, the hearings organizer Sergei Rudov, the family issue is one of the principal problems.
“All the proposals put forward by the participants, will be taken into account in the resolution,” he accentuated.