Knoxville, January 3, 2015
Under the present circumstances of the international community’s silence on the tragedy of Christians in the Middle East, students from the city of Knoxville (Tennessee, USA) are trying to bring the cries of thousands of Iraqi and Syrian martyrs to the attention of their friends and neighbors, reports MCN.

A group of students from the Concord Christian school in Knoxville decided to undertake an interesting experiment: having opened their own permanent fair within the framework of a training program for doing business, they are actively attracting the attention of the public at large to the genocide of Iraqi and Syrian Christians. The main products made by the children and teenagers are T-shirts with the Arabic letter “n” (the first letter of the Arabic word “Nasara”, meaning “the Nazarenes”), used by the ISIS militants for marking homes of followers of Christ in Mosul.
According to a participant of the project, Brian Torbiffle, it is long past time to initiate such projects. “All of us have many times heard about the atrocities of terrorists occurring in Iraq, but even we, schoolchildren, have not seen anyone support or lend a helping hand to the Christians who are being killed and driven away. So we thought these shirts would help plant the idea of the need to support our brothers and sisters from the Middle East in the mind of the public,” said Brian.
Steve Arnold who shares the same ideas with Brian, stressed that the project was becoming more popular even outside the city: “Glory to God, there are many Christians, they are everywhere. And to promote our message we are using all available means, including the Internet. I believe a considerable number of people will want to express their solidarity with the persecuted Christians in this way…”
Arnold also has pointed out that selling of T-shirts will continue the next semester and a part of the earnings will be donated to help the Middle East refugees.