Melbourne, April 29, 2015
With the blessing of Archbishop Stylianos of Australia a copy of the wonder-working Iveron (“the Portaitissa”) Icon of Holy Theotokos has been brought to the Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God in Melbourne, Australia, reports

The gift of the Athonite Iveron Monastery was solemnly met by hundreds of believers arriving from various parts of Australia.

After a procession of the cross with the icon Bishop Michael of Australia (the Romanian Orthodox Church) served a Vespers with Bishop Ezekiel of Dervi (auxiliary bishop of the Patriarchate of Constantinople) and Bishop Iakovos of Militoupolis (the Patriarchate of Constantinople) concelebrating. Clergy of the Orthodox Church of Antioch participated in the service as well.

Athonite chants were performed by the Byzantine choir of the Archdiocese of Australia with the participation of graduates of the Athonias Ecclesiastical Athonite Academy.

On the following day the Matins and Divine Liturgy were celebrated.

Bishop Iakovos of Militoupolis in his sermon recounted the story of the Iveron Icon of Holy Theotokos to those gathered and thanked the Athonite monks for the precious gift to the Australian faithful.