Athens, July 6, 2015

The final results in the Greek referendum have been announced. The Greek Ministry for Home Affairs has reported that all the ballots at the Greece’s polling stations were counted and, according to the final results, 61.31 percent of voters said “no” to the creditors’ proposals, while only 38.69 percent supported the proposals.
The results of the plebiscite have shown the unwillingness of the Greek population to accept the categorical proposals of the European Union along with the International Monetary Fund to continue the bailout program in exchange for curtailment of social programs, reports Vesti.
Prior to the referendum, many Church figures and confessors called upon the Greek people to say “no”, although some hierarches urged them to vote “yes”.
“Europe is leading us to the antichrist. If we say “yes”, then the beast will come, because we have invited him, signing and voting for him,” said Elder Nectarios (Mulatsiotis), “But I will never invite the beast of the Apocalypse. Even if I starve or perish, I will die as a martyr for Christ.”