The Orthodox Diocese of Singapore and South Asia in cooperation with the Orthodox Christian Mission Center ran a program of religious education in Sumatra, Indonesia, from June 28 to July 12, 2015.
Seven volunteers from the United States of America (Mr. Richard J. Mohr, Megan Haak, Mrs. Roberta Sardell, Presbytera Renee Ritsi, Maxim A.M. Kroll, Nicholas Birbillis, Fr. Nathan D. Kroll) headed by Protopriest Martin Ritsi, Director of the OCMC, travelled to Sumatra and gave special presentations for the professors and students of the Saint Paul Orthodox Theological School in Medan, as well as for the students of the Computer Science and Business Administration Schools of the Polytechnic Academy.
The volunteers also visited Saint Sophia and Saint Nikitas schools of the Orthodox Mission in Medan, gave lectures and had the opportunity to talk with the educational staff and the students.
The members of the OCMC group, during their stay in Sumatra, were also able to participate in catechetical programs, visit Orthodox Communities and foundations (the Orthodox boarding house and Theotokos Hospital) in Medan and the environs and took part in the Prelatic Divine Liturgy and the ordinations of two new Indonesian priests that took place on Saturday, July 11, led by His Eminence Metropolitan Constantine of Singapore and South Asia.

This has been a particularly joyful and blessed day for the Orthodox Diocese. Metropolitan Constantine conducted the Liturgy in Saint Demetrios Cathedral in Medan, Sumatra, and ordained Deacon Lukas Tobing as a Presbyter and Mr. Chariton Zega as a Deacon.
The two clerics, who will serve the Orthodox communities in Sumatra, are graduates of the Saint Paul Theological School in Medan. Deacon Chariton will continue to serve in Saint Nikolas Primary School of the Orthodox Mission in Nias, Sumatra.