July 26, 2015

During this period of hot weather and drought which seriously affects agriculture all over the country and greatly impacts people's lives, the Patriarch of Romania urged the clergy and faithful to say prayers for rain at the appropriate time, in the end of his sermon delivered today, July 26, 2015, the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost (Multiplication of the loaves of bread), in the chapel of Saint Gregory the Enlightener within the Patriarchal Residence.
“Let us remember today the urging of the Church to say prayers in all the parish churches and monasteries all over the country so that God will bestow His mercy on us, and send quiet rains with rich crops for people and animals. Thus, we show that we directly admit that all the gifts of existence, all the gifts that maintain the life of people on earth are gifts from God, and let us not forget the Giver either, but pray for forgiveness of sins when we infringe His will, as well as for our lack of gratitude. This drought must be understood as an impetus to more faith, prayer and mercy towards the poor, lonely, helpless, and so we become the hands of the merciful love of Jesus Christ for our fellow beings,” His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of Romania said.