July 29, 2015

The movement against Planned Parenthood has gained considerable momentum in the wake of three videos released by the Center for Medical Progress showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing their profiteering on the illegal sale of the dismembered body parts of babies killed by abortion.
A rally at the U.S. Capitol featured several prominent speakers, including GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson, Sens. Rand Paul, Tom Cruz and James Lankford, Reps. Marsha Blackburn, Andy Harris, Tim Huelskamp and Chris Smith, as well as representatives of the Susan B. Anthony List, Concerned Women for America, Americans United for Life, and the Family Research Council.
Referring to the videos he deemed “nothing short of horrifying,” Sen. Cruz called upon the Dept. of Justice, state and local law enforcement, and the U.S. Congress to investigate the legality of Planned Parenthood’s recently-exposed practices. He encouraged every American to watch the videos, saying “Even if you are a supporter of abortion, I would encourage you to watch these videos and just ask a simple question: Are these my values?”
“When we see the truth, after a time for truth comes a time for action. Today is a time for action,” Cruz said.

While the situation sometimes seems bleak, Carson offered a positive note: “I think that we have just gradually slid in terms of our morals to a point where we don't really care about the killing of human beings. That is the bad news. The good news is, I think we are changing. And I think things like this are starting to change us a lot. There are actually more people in America now who identify themselves as pro-life than there are who are pro-death. You know, we are capable of changing.”
Sen. Rand Paul told the gathered pro-lifers that the Senate will vote on a bill to defund Planned Parenthood before it’s August recess, and he called on Hillary Clinton to return any donations received from Planned Parenthood.
Recalling the joy of seeing the ultrasounds of his own three children Cruz stated, “We were so proud of seeing those pictures. Something special was coming. But we now find out that Planned Parenthood is using the ultrasounds to manipulate the baby into a position to harvest the organs.”
Succinctly stating what many Americans are feeling in regards to such horrific practices he continued, “This callous disregard expressed over wine and cheese should inflame and infuriate us all. We should stop, once and for all, any penny of money going to Planned Parenthood."
For more information including clips of the speeces at the U.S. Capitol and a list of the cities in which rallies were planned see the article at