Washington, D.C., September 18, 2015

The House has passed a pro-life bill that makes it a first-degree murder for abortionists to kill children born alive through botched abortions.
In a nearly party-line vote of 248-177, with one Member voting "Present," the House passed H.R. 3504, the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act." The bill was introduced and debated in light of the Center for Medical Progress' videos that indicate Planned Parenthood clinics may be killing babies post-birth.
The bill makes killing a baby born from a botched abortion first-degree murder, and requires reporting of violations of the law. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-VA, and Constitution Subcommittee Chairman Trent Franks, R-AZ, said in a statement that "this legislation sends a strong message to those who are in the horrific business of abortions that there are real consequences for those who would kill or abandon children after they are outside a mother’s womb."
The statement called the bill "a somber reminder of the horrors of abortion" and of the actions of convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell.
The bill was one of two pro-life bills passed by the House today. The other was H.R. 3134, the "Defund Planned Parenthood Act," which eliminates federal funding for abortion for one year and transfers $235 million to Federally Qualified Health Centers—which do not conduct abortions.