Source: Interfax-Religion
January 21, 2016

Kyrgyzstan may build a separate prison for religious extremists.
"Kyrgyzstan has imprisoned 150 persons convicted of religious extremism and they are bad influence on inmates of correctional institutions. So, the construction of a separate, isolated penitentiary for convicted religious radicals is being considered," Taalaibek Zhaparov, deputy head of the anti-terrorism center of the Kyrgyz State Committee for National Security, has told reporters.
In addition to the broader involvement of clerics, the security services are fighting terrorists online he said.
"There are about 4,000 websites with extremist religious content in the republic; we are searching for these websites and blocking them, which is rather hard to accomplish because websites are easily restored once the former resource is blocked," Zhaparov said.
The program on the fight against religious extremism will be updated after a meeting of the CIS Anti-Terrorism Center in Bishkek.