Source: Archdiocese of Canada (OCA)
October 13, 2016

Schema-Igumen Luc of the Hermitage of the Holy Annunciation in Watford, Nova Scotia, has issued the following appeal.
Dear Fathers, Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It has been more than twelve years since hieromonk Cassian and I relocated the monastery from Halifax to rural Nova Scotia. For many years we lived a solitary life as hermit monks. Today, there are four of us living in the monastery with a small group of faithful joining us for prayers on Sundays and Feast days, and with an increasing number of pilgrims.
When we first arrived here, we needed a small structure that could be used as a chapel. We applied for a permit to build a workshop (2004). Recently, the local municipality has noticed that we have changed the usage of the workshop to a chapel. Because of this, we need to bring the chapel up to code in order to continue praying there. As such, we have had to close the monastery to the public until we can address the situation.
We met with the municipality building inspector recently. There are several options that we can pursue that will satisfy the requirements of the building code. The estimated cost of the project will run between $25,000 and $45,000.
The municipality has given us 90 days to make plans for the project and make application for the appropriate permits. During this time we also need to find the funds to begin construction. With winter swiftly approaching, we need to work quickly.
We are asking for your financial help so that we can continue in our simple life of prayer and repentance. Cheques can be written to Hermitage of the Annunciation.
Thank you for your help and for keeping us in your prayers.
With love in Christ,
Schema-Igumen Luc
Hermitage of the Holy Annunciation, Watford, NS