Athens, October 21, 2016

In a speech in the city of Livadia Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens sharply criticized the governmental policy of the de-Christianization of Greece: “You have sold out and continue to sell out Greece’s treasures, you give away our railroads, our ports, but our homeland and Orthodoxy we will not give up,” reports Agionoros.
Referring to the role of political parties in the modern crisis, the archbishop said: “We must clarify what we need, how we see the future of our children and families, and what aspirations we have. The time has come for us to wonder: ‘Perhaps it’s worth it to support not parties, but concrete people?’”
The primate’s words correspond with the teachings of St. Paisios the Athonite. To the question “who should we vote for?” the saint answered: “For whoever is closer to the Church. Don’t vote for parties which call themselves Christian… We shouldn’t divide along party lines. Let us first love our Church, and second our homeland and vote for those who devote their energy to the struggle for them.”