Cops seek thief who took 4-foot golden staff from Brooklyn church

Source: Daily News

November 5, 2016

A crook was not seeking salvation when he went into a Brooklyn cathedral and walked out with cash and a four-foot tall gold scepter, police said Saturday.

The unidentified man feebly tried to conceal the ornamental staff in his knee-length beige jacket as he coolly fled Saint John the Forerunner Orthodox Cathedral on Voorhies Ave. in Sheepshead Bay around 2 p.m. on Thursday, police said.


A surveillance camera captured the man holding the unwieldy holy item, which is adorned with a crucifix, as he left the Russian Orthodox house of worship.


The 30 to 45-year-old suspect, described by cops as having black hair and a “medium complexion,” also made off with $30 dollars in cash and bizarrely a crocheted religious picture, police said.

Daily News

7 ноября 2016 г.

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Chris 8 ноября 2016, 01:00
Hi A man who looks identical to the man in your video was seen on October 4th in Bay Ridge. I have a picture of him if you want. He was first seen on the grounds of Visitation Academy that morning and was chased away. He then went by Adelphi Academy which is only a few blocks away. He then was by DGK Greek school on 85th and Ridge Blvd. Eventually he was chased away from inside of Holy Cross Greek Church on 84th And Ridge Blvd. This guy was definitely up to no good that morning. The 68 pct was called by the DGK Greek school and they were on scene when I drove by that am. Please email me and I will be more then happy to send you the picture I have. Good Luck getting this guy! Chris
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