Рейтинг: 2.4|Голосов: 26
Dmitry P. Anashkin
For us, a different question is important — why has a movement appeared for this person’s canonization and what are the arguments, both for and against? This discussion is unavoidable in order to develop a firm position on such a complex question and so as not to fall under the influence of pseudo-ecclesial agitators and, in the final equation, to not do harm to our own spiritual state.
Рейтинг: 10|Голосов: 3
The war in Vietnam became the largest military conflict of the “Cold War” period. The Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia could not but react to such a massive collision, both because on one hand it affected practically the entire world, and on the other hand because many from its flock were involved directly in combat as citizens of one or the other side.