Following the Center for Medical Progress's release of several damaging videos, public outcry has been calling for the defunding of Planned Parenthood, which it has been demonstrated not only murders the unborn in abortion, but further profits from illegally selling fetal body parts. Amidst this controversy, two states, New Hampshire and Alabama, have removed funding from the dubious organization.
New Hampshire cuts Planned Parenthood’s $650,000 in taxpayer funding after body parts scandal
Concord, NH, August 5, 2015

The state of New Hampshire has deprived Planned Parenthood of $650,000 in taxpayer funding following revelations that the group may engage in the illegal harvesting and sale of aborted babies' body parts.
The Executive Council, a state board that oversees the executive branch, voted to redirect family planning grants to three community health centers.
The 3-2 decision cost the group nearly one-third of its public funding, according to WMUR-TV.
Councilors singled out revelations contained in undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress in their decision to defund the abortion provider.
"You can't divorce what's going on nationally from Planned Parenthood of Northern New England,” said Councilor David Wheeler, a Republican, “and we need a real investigation.”
Christopher Sununu, the son of former governor John Sununu, also cited the investigation as pivotal to his tie-breaking vote. While he has previously voted for Planned Parenthood funding, he said that “investigations into potential criminal activity on both a federal and multi-state level have convinced me to withdraw that support.”
“This is not about pro-choice or pro-life. I am pro-choice,” the younger Sununu said.
His shift drew swift criticism from Planned Parenthood of Northern New England. “Today really represents a shift for Councilor Sununu away from focusing on what’s at stake for his constituents and instead deferring to the national political climate," PPNNE policy director Jennifer Frizzell said. (The group similarly criticized Maine's U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, another Republican who favors abortion-on-demand, for voting to defund Planned Parenthood on Monday.)
Jenifer Horn, the chair of the state Republican Party, agreed with Sununu that "this isn't a matter of being pro-choice or pro-life. It's about ensuring that public dollars are not being given to a company that may be engaged in criminal activity.”
In casting its vote, the Republican-controlled board set up a fight with Democratic Gov. Maggie Hassan, who accused the council of giving into politics and likened the video footage to an unsubstantiated “rumor.”
"We do not launch criminal investigations in the state of New Hampshire because somebody edits a tape," she said.
New Hampshire Right to Life called Wednesday “a momentous day” for the unborn.
“We want to give our sincere thanks to Executive Councilors Dave Wheeler, Joe Kenney, and Chris Sununu,” the group announced. “Thank you to all who signed our petition. A large, heavy stack was hand-delivered to the Executive Council this morning.”
Bentley terminates Alabama’s Medicaid contract with Planned Parenthood
Montgomery, AL, August 6, 2015

Alabama Governor Robert Bentley (R) Thursday terminated the state’s Medicaid contract with Planned Parenthood after the legitimacy of using any taxpayer dollars to fund the abortion provider was once again called into question following the release of several videos describing its harvest and sale of aborted baby organs and body parts.
“The deplorable practices at Planned Parenthood have been exposed to Americans, and I have decided to stop any association with the organization in Alabama,” said Governor Bentley. “As a doctor and Alabama’s Governor, the issue of human life, from conception to birth and beyond, is extremely important to me. I respect human life, and I do not want Alabama to be associated with an organization that does not.”
Yellowhammer has obtained a copy of the letter sent to Planned Parenthood CEO Staci Fox Thursday afternoon.

Planned Parenthood currently receives more than $500 million annually in federal funding, mostly through Medicaid reimbursements.
It is through the mechanism of Medicaid—whose funding is controlled through the states—that some red state governors, now including Governor Bentley, have begun their own efforts to defund abortion providers.
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who is also a 2016 presidential hopeful, announced Monday his state was terminating their contract with Planned Parenthood’s clinics.
Eight other states besides Alabama ban all state family planning money from going to clinics which provide abortions, including Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Indiana, Louisiana, Ohio, Texas, and Wisconsin.
Today a committee in the Alabama Senate voted to advance legislation making it a Class B felony to offer or accept money for aborted babies or parts of aborted babies.
“The nation is shocked by videos depicting Planned Parenthood employees callously discussing the dismemberment of babies and the sale of baby body parts for profit. This is like a story out of Nazi Germany,” said Sen. Bill Hightower (R-Mobile) during the committee hearing. “The federal authorities may allow this type of thing, but Alabama won’t – and upon final passage, Alabama will have a law that reflects Alabama’s values.”